General Information

It is nice to see your willingness to be a part of our ‘MyWritingMaster’ content writing team. However to start receiving regular orders you need to proof your capabilities by undergoing a small CQT (Content Qualification Test) which would essentially be a write up of around 800 words. Kindly  follow ALL THE GUIDELINES mentioned in the guideline documents. Non adherence of any of the guidelines will lead to rejection of your candidature.
Once again …this is a compulsory test which the candidate needs to qualify before becoming a part of MyWritingMaster content team and getting regular content writing work.

• Please Note that this test is not payable.

Click on download to get your CQT question. Please DO NOT FORGET to read guideline document thoroughly. Non compliance to guidelines would lead to cancellation of your CQT. 

On downloading you will receive 3 files

Guidelines.doc : This contains all the guidelines which you would need to follow. (V.imp document)

Sample.pdf : This is a sample of a well written content. We expect your content to be of the same level.

Template.doc : To standardise the process, we request you to use this template while writing taking CQT.



All the best

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