Customer related Queries
[expand title="What is a white paper & how to use them"]A white paper is an informational document issued by a company to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product or service. White papers are sales and marketing documents used to entice or persuade potential customers to learn more about or purchase a particular product, service, technology or methodology. White papers are designed to be used as a marketing tool before a sale, and not as a user manual or other technical document developed to provide support to the user after making a purchase.[/expand]
[expand title="What is included in Proofreading"]We will be correcting English (sentence formation and grammar), Assignment formatting (as per requirement document) and referencing correction. Please note that proofreading will not include the addition or deletion of content.[/expand]
[expand title="How can you help in course content writing"]Academic course content includes a lot of services. If you are a teacher/professor/university, then it can include preparation of course modules for your subjects, preparation of evaluation formats, preparation of rubrics, preparation of knowledge transfer (KT) documents. If you are a student, then it includes guide solution to your assignment problems, help with research during your thesis and dissertation. [/expand]
[expand title="How can you help in conducting workshops"]We can conduct workshops for student in your campus to teach various aspects of assignments, essay and thesis writing as per internationally accepted standards. Our way of taking workshops is completely hands on and better than classroom communication. You will notice an appreciable difference in your student's assignment writing skills after attending our workshop.[/expand]
[expand title="What is your pricing policy"]We have a custom pricing policy, which means we send custom quote after checking your order request. We decide price on the basis of Difficulty level, Proximity to deadline and Word limits. [/expand]
[expand title="What is your rework policy"]If our output is not as per your requirement, we will do FREE REWORK on your order.[/expand]
[expand title="What is your refund/money back policy"]If you cancel your order before we have started working on it, then 100% money will be refunded. However, if we have started working on it, a percentage will be deducted and the rest will be returned back. In case of unsatisfactory output from our end, your money will be refunded to you. Our solution will be reviewed and compared with your requirements and if the shortcoming is found at our end, then your money will be refunded. [/expand]
[expand title="Do you have any discount policy"]As of now we do not have any discount schemes.[/expand]
Writer (Freelance) Related Queries
[expand title="What can I expect in EQT ?"]EQT will have an academic case study with questions to be answered in about 1000 words. It will test your understanding of Blooms Taxonomy. This EQT is designed to check your Subject Knowledge, understanding of Blooms Taxonomy (V. Imp), Written English, plagiarism (through software) and ability to adhere to the guidelines.[/expand]
[expand title="Why is there so much emphasis on Blooms Taxonomy in EQT ? "]Bloom's taxonomy is extremely important for any student to know. It is important as it clarifies your understanding of what is asked in your question. It clarifies whether the question asked is of a description or analysis or synthesis. Failing on understanding Blooms will 100% result in failing EQT even if you have a good hold on subject knowledge.[/expand]
[expand title="On what basis my EQT solution will be evaluated ?"]Your EQT solution will be evaluated on the basis of the Application of Bloom's taxonomy, Plagiarism, Referencing proficiency, Assignment formatting, depth of subject knowledge and English proficiency.[/expand]
[expand title="Will I be paid for EQT solution ?"]No. You will not be paid for EQT. However, after your selection, all assignments given to you will be on payment basis. [/expand]
[expand title="Is EQT common for all the subjects ?"]No, there are different case studies for different subjects. You can choose the EQT as per the subjects mentioned during form filling. [/expand]
[expand title="How many chances will I get to resubmit my EQT solution ?"]None. You will have one opportunity to submit the solution. Therefore, it is extremely important that you understand the guidelines and case study very well. You can even talk to our team to clarify questions, or blooms taxonomy before attempting the EQT.[/expand]
[expand title="Is it compulsory to fill application form ?"]Yes, it is compulsory and without which your candidature will not be considered.[/expand]
[expand title="What is the process of selection ?"]First: You will have to fill the registration form and give required details. Our expert panel will go through your profile and shortlist names for the second round which is EQT round. In EQT (Expert Qualification Test), you will be required to answer a short case study as per the guidelines given and with a deadline date. If your solution is received on or before the deadline date, then our expert panel will check your solution and final selection will be made.[/expand]
[expand title="How much time it might take for final selection ?"]It should take around 1 week time for the entire process to complete. Only during our operational peak seasons, this process might get extended to 15 days. [/expand]
[expand title="Will I be considered as an employee of your company after selection process ?"]After selection, you will be our freelance writer. [/expand]
[expand title="Is my selection permanent ?"]No. Your presence in our team and growth depends on your deliverables. Missing deadlines, poor content, plagiarism, rude behavior with our team members can result in your discontinuation of work with us. [/expand]
[expand title="What is an assignment work order ?"]An Assignment Work Order (AWO) is the official contract sent to you against an assignment/project/essay. Each work order varies in deadline. A typical deadline for an assignment varies from two to four days where the expert would cover roughly 1000-1500 words a day. [/expand]
[expand title="Am I committed to take up AWO whenever I am sent one ?"]No. A MWM Expert has the freedom to confirm or reject any AWO based on his/her own convenience. We send an AWO email to our expert when we send an AWO to him/her. It is expected from the expert to revert with Confirm/Reject ASAP so that other expert can take it up instead.[/expand]
[expand title="How is AWO evaluated by the MWM team once it is sent by an expert ?"]Once a certain AWO is delivered by an expert, it goes ahead for an expert review. Once the reviewer thinks it inappropriate for the assignment to be delivered to the client, then the reviewer will suggest the necessary changes to be made in the assignment and send it back for rework. In case all the guidelines issued in the AWO details are taken care off already then there is no case of rework on the side of the expert. Once it is found ok, it goes through a plagiarism check. In case the plagiarism report shows less than 4% plagiarism, it is sent ahead to the client.[/expand]
[expand title="How is an expert chosen for a certain AWO by the MWM team ?"]Depending from case to case the following factors play a vital role in the selection of a list of suitable experts for a certain assignment: 1. Punctuality of the expert in delivering the previous assignments 2. The Quality of the assignment delivered 3. Preference for those experts who have taken care of each guideline mentioned in the AWO 4. Positive client feedback for an expert's work. 5. Promptness in reply to an AWO even if it is a negative response. 6. Quality of references used and the formatting of the assignment as per our MWM guidelines.[/expand]
[expand title="What are your payment rates?"]Our payment rates start from 60 paise per word and can increase depending upon difficulty level and proximity to the deadline. Each assignment order will have its price mentioned in the email. For assignments related to programming and numerical (which are not word count based), the price will solely depend on the difficulty level and deadline. [/expand]
[expand title="When are payments released?"]Payments are released in two cycles in a month. The first cycle starts from starting 1st - 5th of a month and second starts from 15th-20th of a month. In some urgent situation, you will be notified beforehand. [/expand]
[expand title="Are there any deductions in payment?"]Yes. The assignments which do not follow guidelines, has plagiarized content, low on quality will attract a deduction in payment. The amount of deduction will be decided by MWM management. [/expand]

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- For order related queries
- For freelance related queries