Steps You Should Take Before Starting Any Assignment

The steps you need to take when preparing your assignment are:

  1. Read the question – you may find it helpful to rewrite the question in your own words.
  2. Check that you have read all parts of the question – is there different subquestions?
  3. Check the assessment criteria – see the marking grid.
  4. Write a draft structure for your assignment, with key headings and a bullet point list of all key points that you want to include in each section – in a logical order, so it reads well – as if you were presenting the information (telling the story) to your colleagues.
  5. Send a draft structure of the assignment to your tutor – this should be done 3 weeks before the submission deadline, otherwise you will not get feedback in time. It should not be longer than 2 pages. It should only include headings and key points in each section – not full sentences.
  6. For each section, think carefully about each ‘claim’ and what evidence you need to back up these claims (see Evidence based section for top tips on how to do this).
  7. Search the internet and module resources for evidence to support your claims
    Keep a list of all references you use in the write format – you need to decide whether to use the Vancouver or Harvard format.
  8. Next to each claim, write a sentence that summarises the evidence and the reference (name of author and year).
  9. Write down 2 or more points about the limitations of each piece of evidence, and a reflection of how that evidence might relate to your country.
  10. Repeat points 6-10 for each section.

BEFORE you submit your assignment, please check that there is:

  • a word count at the beginning of the assignment.
  • title, introduction and conclusion.
  • an answer to every question (and sub questions).
  • a source of evidence for every claim. Re-read your text and underline all claims and make sure there is evidence for each claim.
  • all figures and tables have a reference.
  • references for each piece of evidence – articles, websites and opinions. It should be clear in the text what are your own thoughts and what are those of another person.
  • a reflection about the quality of each evidence source, and how this evidence might apply to your country.
  • a list of references at the end of the assignment.
  • no plagiarism – direct copying and pasting of other people’s text that you did not write. Use the Turnitin checker.
  • a course cover sheet.
  • a correct file name – should have the format “SURNAME” “COURSE CODE” “DATE OF SUBMISSION” e.g Dick Heller will have HellerPUEBP12a23_5_12. A resubmission will have the file nameHellerPUEBP12a23_5_12Resubmission, while a second resubmission will have the file nameHellerPUEBP12a23_5_12Resubmission2.